

The Python programming language is the "Lingua franca" for rapid development in data Science, machinelearning and AI. It has bindings with most popular and state of the art libraries in these fields.


A relative new programming language combining C/C++-like performance with more memory-safety.

Deeplearning libraries and frameworks


High level open-source library and framework for developing and training deep-neural-networks, using TensorFlow, CNTK or Theano as backend.


An opensource deep-learning framework for developing and training deep-neural-networks in all fields from image to speech recognition.


An open-source deep-learning framework for developing and training deep-neural-networks in all fields from image to speech recognition.

Bibliotheken en overige software

Open Computer Vision

An open-source library developed by Intel with speed optimized high and low level algorithms as building blocks for developing computer vision applications. It has a long track record and sustained development and bindings for C++, Python, Java, Javascript and third-party bindings for Rust and Golang.


An open-source Python library used for scientific computing and technical computing. SciPy contains modules for optimization, linear algebra, integration, interpolation, special functions, FFT, signal and image processing.


Library for machinelearning algorithms like: classification, regression, support vector machines, random forests.


An open-source Relational Database Management System, this old and trusty elephant never forgets. Our preferred choice for an relational / SQL database.

An open-source library for NLP (Natural Language Processing). With spaCy you can create linguistically sophisticated statistical models for a variety of NLP problems and prepare text for deep learning.


A library for C-like speed matrix algebra in Python, used by a lot of other Python libraries as building block.